Thanks for stopping by!
Allow me to be the first (and probably only) person to welcome you to my website!
I set up this website so I could promote my first novella, Tabernacle, and the other books I plan to write and release in the future. While the site will probably seem a little spare at first, I’ll be adding a lot of content over the next few months—additional blog posts, book giveaways, and preview chapters of other books that I’m writing (such as Tabernacle 2, aka “T2: Judgement Day”). I also hope to add some podcasts, interviews, and reviews if and when Tabernacle gains some more traction. And you can help me achieve that—if you like the book, please write a nice review of it on That will really help me to get some additional buzz going for Tabernacle. Buying as many copies of the book as you can afford will also help; click here to order your copies today. The latter will probably help as much as the former, so take your pick.
In the meantime, feel free to take a look around the site. You can learn a little bit more about me by checking out my author bio page, and I'll be putting up a couple of other blog posts, like this one about the character who nearly ruined “Frasier”. I’m also open to suggestions on the site and other things you might be interested in hearing about (related to the book and my writing—I’m not going to “send nudes”, as the kids say. [Unless you ask really nicely. And even then, it’s unlikely.]) And be sure to sign up for my e-mail list to receive your FREE GIFT!!!*
Thanks again for stopping by. I really appreciate it and hope to hear from you soon.
*The free gift will be free e-mails. And I will never sell your e-mail address to anyone—I don’t even know how to do that.